There are three subscription plans
Basic: A Basic subscription is free and consists of a user account that makes it possible to login, make suggestions or give feedback on charge card providers, control the subscription on our newsletter and allows you to store data like you name, (email) address, etc so you can request a new card with just one click. You can also link your account with &Charge and see your actual &Charge-balance.
Supporter: With a Supporter subscription you are helping us to futher build You have the same posibilities as with the Basic subscription, but without Google advertisements. When you chose the Supporter subscription, you will also receive 10 &Charge-kilometres as a gift! You can become a Supporter for 1 euro per month. If you choose a two year membership, you even get two months for free!
Plus: Besides all the functionalites of a the Basic and Supporter subscriptions, a Plus subscription offers you extra, sometimes exclusive, features. For example, the displayed price can be adjusted to your car and your charging requirements. For this you can not only select which car you drive and how many kilometers, but also indicate where and how much you charge: for example at home, at work or at a rapid charger. This allows for a better estimation of the costs a certain charge card, adjusting the list even more based your personal needs.
When you sign up for a Plus subscription, you will recieve 20 &Charge-kilometres as a gift. The Plus subscription also allows for a discount of €15,- per year on a Premium membership of the Vereniging Elektrisch Rijders (VER), the Dutch Elective Drivers Association. A Plus subscription costs €2,50 per month. If you choose a two year membership, you even get two months for free!
How to become a Support or get a Plus subscription?
By transferring €12,- (supporter) or €30,- (plus) to IBAN NL07TRIO0379468956 in the name of evXperts and mentioning your email address in the description. As soon as the transcation has been processed, we will upgrade your acount for one year. If you wish to subscribe for two years, you will get two months for free. In that case the prices are €22,- for a 2-year Supporter subscription or €55,- for a 2-year Plus subscription.
The subscription stops automatically, so you are not committed to anything.