SW Emden

Charge card logo of SW Emden
Stadtwerke Emden offers a flat rate charge card for a competitive rate. With this you can and can charge unlimited on the networks of SWB and EWE (Northern Germany) but also on their partner networks. You must complete, scan and e-mail a PDF Form to receive the RFID charge card.

General website: SW Emden
Issued in
Delivers to
Supported countries
Germany, Europe
>80% coverage in
Charge map
Request form
Type of plan
€ 9,90 per month, € 9,90 connection fee.
€ 240 per year for unlimited use on every charging station where the card is accepted.
Price per month*
€ 99,90 (Fixed price per month)
Flatrate charing at RWE and SVB
Does not work on other networks.
Charging advice
For habitants of Northern Germany this offer is very good. For citizens of Europe in other parts this card has little value.
This charge card has not support for &Charge yet
Customer service
Opening hours
Phone number
European networks
Rapid charging
Innogy Ionity Allego Ladenetz EnBW
Green electricity
Charge with
Google play
App Store
Updated 3 years ago